Procedure for making a depósito identificado
The following procedure should be followed for paying your registration fees using a depósito bancário identificado:
- Check the value of the registration fee that matches your profile (PROFESSIONAL/STUDENT, etc.).
- Data of the bank account for the deposit:
- Banco: Caixa Econômica Federal (104),
- Agência: 0813 (Universidade Tecnológica),
- Operação: 013 (poupança pessoa jurídica),
- Número de conta: 4390-9,
- Nome: Associação Brasileira de Inteligência Computacional,
- CNPj: 22.733.222/0001-56.
- Identify your deposit with your full name and email.
- Send an email to
with the following information:- Full name,
- Affiliation,
- Readable digital scan, photo or screen capture of your deposit receipt, and
- Paper Ids (up to two) of the papers to be included under this registration, if applicable.